En la conferencia de prensa de la Oficina de Información del Consejo de Estado que se celebró esta tarde, una persona relevante a cargo de la Comisión Nacional de Desarrollo y Reforma dijo que en 2025, mi país asignará 300 mil millones de yuanes de ultra a los fondos del Tesoro Especial de Long-Long Treasury para apoyar la expansión de los bienes de consumo con el antiguo comercio y la nueva fuerza. With the efforts of all parties, in the first two months of this year, the national new energy passenger car retail sales were about 1.34 million, and the sales of first-level energy-efficiency products of home appliances was 24.1 billion yuan, an increase of 26% and 36% year-on-year respectively; the sales of mobile phones below 6,000 yuan were about 33 million units, with sales of about 86 billion yuan, and the average weekly sales and sales increased by 19% and 29% respectively compared with the previous week of subsidy, and the old-for-new start was a good start.
(CCTV Reporter Ding Yani Song Wan)